Measurement Log Navigation Controls

The measurement log records each measurement and change in Register contents. The number of measurements and Register changes saved is set from the Measurement Action Dialog, which is accessed by long pressing the Measure button.

Annotated Navigation Controls

A - At the bottom right are the four main navigation buttons. In the default navigation mode, these step back through previous measurement values. Only the Measurement changes with each step, all the other Registers retain their latest values. Only Measurements that have been marked "Keep" will be visible, although measurements that have their status to "Discard" will remain visible until the Navigation Controls are hidden, so that you can change your mind about them. To retrieve Discarded measurements after they become invisible, change to the Step: Register Changes navigation mode - see bellow for details.
Note that you can't change previous Measurement or Register values. Saving a previous measurement to a Register updates the latest state of the Register. Also note that while Readouts will show the selected previous Measurement, they always use the latest Register values in their calculations. See Step: Register Changes for information on retrieving previous Register values.

Left Step The left arrow button takes one step backwards in time, to the previous Measurement.

Right StepThe right arrow button takes one step forward in time, to the next Measurement.

Fast LeftThe fast left arrow moves 10 measurements backwards. On a double tap, it moves 100 measurements backwards. On a long press, it moves1000 Measurements backwards.

Fast RightThe fast right arrow moves 10 measurements forwards. On a double tap, it moves 100 measurements forwards. On a long press, it moves1000 Measurements forwards.

If you are not at the latest measurement and take a new measurement, then the location jumps to the latest measurement, and the fast right arrow is replaced by the return arrow Return Arrow, which will return back to the location before taking the measurement.

Tag Name

B - At the mid lower left is the tag name associated with the measurement. This is also acts as the Navigation Menu. The default tag name is set from the Measurement Action Dialog, which is accessed by long pressing the Measure button. A tag name is a way of grouping associated measurements. The numbers to the left of the tag name show which measurement this is within that contiguous group of tags. A tag group can be use as a point to jump to and as a way of selecting measurements to Export. You can change the tag of a measurement using the Change This Tag menu item, or a range of Measurements by Marking the start and End, and then using the Change Marked Tags menu item.The background color of the approximates the color measured.


C - Above the Tag Name is either the Date the measurement was made, or the Time since it was made. You can change the display to show age or date from the Navigation Menu.

Location Bars

D - Above all the navigation controls and measurement information are the location bars. The lower white bar shows the current measurement positioned left to right, left being older and right being newer. The width of the bar will get smaller as more and more measurements are in the log. Above the white bar is a green bar showing the range of measurements currently selected by Marking the start and End. The bar will be orange if only one of start or end is selected, or if start and end are reversed.

E - To the left is the Meta-data menu and buttons. A Long Press will bring up the Meta-data menu where you can select one of the three types of meta-data associated with each measurement:

Notes Notes

Touching the Notes button will show or hide any notes associated with the measurement. If there are no notes the button will be greyed. If there are no notes, then touching the notes text will allow you to add notes. If there are notes, then double tapping the text will allow you to edit it.

Photo Photograph

If there is no photo, then the button will be greyed. If there is no photo and this is the latest measurement, then touching the button will allow you to take a photo and attach it as meta data to the measurement. If there is a photo then touching the button will show you the photo. If there is already a photo, or this is not the latest measurement, then double tapping the button will let you replace the photo. If the photo has been deleted from the Android devices gallery, then the Photo button will look like this: Missing

Location Location

If "Log Geo-Location" is selected in the Measurement Action Dialog, then the location will be recorded each time a measurement is made. The location button will be greyed if there is no location recorded. If there is a location recorded, then touching the button will show the location recorded. The location can't be set or changed separately to making the measurement.

Meta Data
      Tell-Tails Whenever a measurement has Notes, a Photo or Location then a small tell-tail will show up under the current Meta Data button.

Navigation Menu.

 The menu is brought up by touching the Tag Name.

Navigation Menu

Step: Register Changes

By default navigation is amongst Measurements marked as "Keep", with all the other Registers retaining their latest values. By selecting this item, navigation is changed to be amongst all changes to Register values. The controls change to using angle arrows with in yellow, as a hint that you are in Register step mode.
Register Step Controls
In addition, there are ten register change hints between the tag name and controls. If the Measurement, Reference or 8 other Registers have a value in them, there will be a corresponding letter will be displayed as a hint. On the step where the value changes, it will be shown in reverse colors.

If you need to retrieve a previous set of Register value to be able to configure Readout Values the way they were previously, you can use the Copy Registers(s) selection from the Measurement Menu.

Step: Kept Measurements

When in Step: Register Changes mode, this menu item switches back into the default of stepping through just the previous Kept measurements.

Show Age

 By default the date that a measurement or register change was made is shown. Selecting this item switches over to showing how old the measurement is.

Show Date

If currently the age of the measurement is being shown, then selecting this item will switch back to the default of showing the date that a measurement or register change was made.

Change This Tag

You can change the Tag Name for the current measurement by selecting this menu item. This is a good way of starting a new Tag Group after taking a measurement.
To start a new tag group before taking the first measurement, use the Measurement Action Dialog.

Jump to Tag

Selecting this allows you to jump directly to the start of a Tag group.

Mark Start

Selecting this will mark the current Measurement as the start of selection. Note that the Date/Age will show a left to right graduated background for the start Measurement.

Mark End

Selecting this will mark the current Measurement as the end of selection. Note that the Date/Age will show a right to left graduated background for the end Measurement, while while other Measurements within the selected range will show a solid green background for Age/Date. If there is only one of start or end, or they are reversed, then the start and end are show in orange.

Jump to Start

If there is a Measurement marked as the start, then jump to it.

Jump to End

If there is a Measurement marked as the end, then jump to it.

Change Marked Tags

If a range of Measurements is marked between start and end, then change all the Tag Names of them.

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